20 Jan 2015
My night skincare routine
Main steps and products review
Hi my Butterflaycats A beautiful skin is the result of many factors: diet, hydration, stress level, genetics, hormones, health, lifestyle, habits… Our skin will reflect the results of all these factors. We often hear that beauty comes from the...
15 Jan 2015
Lemon & water benefits
Hi my Butterflycats! Did you know that lemons have amazing benefits? I start my day with warm/ room temperature water with fresh squeezed lemon juice before breakfast and I’ve noticed some remakable benefits on my body! Water & lemon benefits: 1....
30 Dec 2014
Snow holidays
Blu dress
My holidays are going on. These were not planned, they were decided at the last minute and maybe that’s why they are so beautiful. A lot of snow has been falling these days and I went back on the sled! It had been ages since I last did! The...
27 Dec 2014
Blue pois dress
Very cold day
I'm in Zagreb! A tour of the city, hot tea, meeting friends ... so many simple things that made my day fantastic. Since today it's freezing, I chose this retro Lazzari dress. It's very feminine, comfortable, and above all it keeps you warm....
23 Dec 2014
I'm back to college?!?
Teacher or student
Being into a university classroom again has reminded me when I was a student. It was a great time! But no, I’m not a student anymore... nor a teacher;-) It was just the set for this outfit. In university you don’t learn only the subject you've...